Jay Owen, Founder and CEO of Business Builders (also answers to Chief Visionary), joins this episode with insightful wisdom of agency ownership and the power of attending events. Jamie, Jody, and Jay discuss how they met through agency events, and Jay’s upcoming Agency Builders Retreat in St. Augustine, Florida this month. Whether you need the courage to attend your first agency event, get back into the events scene, or just simply need a reminder to get one on the calendar, this episode is for you!
“You want to be around people who are better than you – more talented, more experienced; go and soak it in. The places where I find the most growth for myself and my agency is where I’m around other people, and we’re just sharing ideas.” – Jay Owen
The finer details of this episode:
● Jay’s journey of agency ownership and hosting events
● Why attending events is good for networking, business growth, and personal growth
● Building a successful agency without sacrificing self and family
Episode resources:
● Summit Virtual CFO by Anders website: https://www.summitcpa.net/
● Love our content? Sign up for our newsletter: https://www.summitcpa.net/summit-newsletter
● Digital Dollars and Cents: A Virtual CFO’s Playbook to help Digital Companies Create a Financial Roadmap to Success, is now an audio book! Download it here: https://vcfo.summitcpa.net/ddc
● https://www.agencybuildersretreat.com/