Creative Agency Success Show

Scale Your Agency and Build a Strong Community with Jason Swenk

Episode Summary

Jamie and Jody interview Jason Swenk, former agency owner turned consultant and mastermind leader of Agency Mastery 360. Jason shares his journey from accidentally starting an agency to selling it and helping other agency owners scale their businesses. He emphasizes the importance of knowing your target audience, having a clear sales process, and building strong client relationships. The discussion also covers the value of masterminds, personal growth through challenges, and effective hiring practices. Jason's insights provide valuable guidance for agency owners aiming for long-term success.

Episode Notes

“As you're building your business, you're building your agency, you're going to realize that there's some prospects that are just not right. You have to go through that Vegas buffet and get sick and food poisoning because you overate and you ate a lot of the bad shit and you tell yourself, ‘I'm not going to eat those raw craw legs anymore.’” -Jason Swenk


The finer details of this episode:


Episode resources:



Accidental Agency Owner (00:00:00)

Jason's accidental entry into the agency world and his agency's growth and eventual sale.

Transition to Consulting (00:03:08)

Jason's transition from running an agency to helping other agency owners and the inspiration behind his consulting practice.

Mastermind Community (00:04:45)

Jason's approach to running a mastermind community, its structure, and the experiences it offers to its members.

Exclusive Mastermind (00:08:28)

Jason's encounter with an exclusive mastermind and his decision to create a more genuine and impactful community.

Client Relationships (00:11:51)

Jason's insights on maintaining client relationships and the importance of delivering exceptional service.

Attract, Convert, Scale Methodology (00:14:32)

Jason's methodology for agency growth, focusing on attracting ideal clients, converting leads, and scaling the business.

Interviewing and Hiring (00:20:27)

Jason's advice on the interviewing process and the importance of knowing oneself and researching the client or employer.

Research and Applications (00:21:34)

Discussion on the importance of research in job applications and disqualifying uninterested candidates.

Lack of Research in Agency Pitching (00:22:47)

Personal anecdotes about pitching without proper research and the consequences.

Budgeting and Sales Process (00:25:48)

Strategies for asking for a budget in the sales process and the importance of understanding the client's budget.

Personal Question: Epic Experiences (00:30:29)

Sharing personal epic experiences, including hang gliding, paragliding, and winter backpacking.

Agency Mastery 360 (00:35:52)

Information on accessing free resources and masterclasses for building the ultimate sales team and attracting the perfect client.

Episode Transcription

Intro (00:00:00) - Welcome to the Creative Agency Success Show, the go to resource for agency owners looking to scale their business. Join us every week to stay ahead of the curve and position your agency for future success.

Jamie (00:00:14) - All right, Jody, I think this, this next guest that we're bringing on, the one we just talked to is going to be a great one for our listener and we hit it on a lot of topics but I think just introducing people to Jason Swenk is really important, because just following him and following all he does is going to really help grow your agency or get your agency to wherever you want it to go.

Jody (00:00:31) - Yeah, the cool part about it is that, you know, he started out running an agency by accident, got it to a point to sell and then it is what he calls his second or this is as the later part in life as the second half.

Jamie (00:00:45) - Third phase. 

Jody (00:00:46) - Yeah. Third phase. He's actually, going back and helping others, you know, do the exact same thing that he did and kind of, you know, hey, here are the mistakes I made.

Jody (00:00:54) - Here's what works, here's what doesn't work and, and really kind of helping him out and as he mentions before, I was he then accidentally fell into his second half, which he's, developed a great consulting practice, great mastermind, practice helping a ton of agencies, through this, through this journey. So, super, super excited. Hope everyone here enjoys it for sure, because I know I did.

Jamie (00:01:18) - Yeah, I learned a lot, and we cover two different topics. We talked about his mastermind process, both him being in masterminds and now running a mastermind and then we really talked about his sales process and just a lot of tidbits. I have a ton of notes right here that I was writing down that I want to make sure our CFOs know. So, I think this is going to be a strong episode, and people learning about Jason will help them improve. So, yep, this is a good episode. So, enjoy it.

Jamie (00:01:42) - Hello, everybody. excited for our legendary guest today. Today we are joined by Jason Swenk. So, we were listening to his podcast, and he is a podcast legend. He has over 700 episodes out there to help agencies. So, I'm very excited to be joined by Jason. And we also have Jody here as well. So, Jody, first off, welcome to the show.

Jody (00:02:02) - Yeah, thanks. Thanks, Jamie.

Jamie (00:02:04) - And then, Jason, why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself, and I'm kind of what you're going to bring to our listeners today. 

Jason (00:02:10) - Yeah. Well thanks for having me on the show. So, I've been in the agency world since 99. I was an accidental agency owner. I, one of my friends, look like Justin Timberlake from In Sync and I felt like making a parody website called In Shit, and it got popular, and that's how I got into the web design business and creating an agency and work with or work with brands from Hitachi, Porsche, Lotus, LegalZoom Aflac, you name it.

Jason (00:02:42) - We probably did a lot of work for them, and then we sold that agency and then for the past decade, I've been showing people the systems and helping agency owners scale their agency. So, they actually own their agency, and the agency doesn't own them. So, I've been excited about doing that.

Jody (00:03:01) - Why did you make that big leap from running an agency to helping other people run agencies? What was the, what was the thought behind that?

Jason (00:03:08) - Well, it was all by accident as well. So, you know, I sold the agency, and then I had a bunch of competitors. Old competitors reached out and were like, how'd you beat the crap out of us? Or how do you do this? And it was a fun competition but like, I literally wanted to destroy them and so, I just started going over and helping them for free and then one, one day my wife was like, well, you're kind of bored just sitting around, why don't you do this? And I was like, so, then I just that's when I started the Smart Agency Master Class podcast.

Jason (00:03:45) - And that was, yeah, ten years ago.

Jody (00:03:47) - Yeah. Have you found that the first half of your life is better or worse than the second half?

Jason (00:03:53) - Oh. Way better. I mean, everything gets better, right? Like, you know, I'm interviewing Guy Kawasaki, later today, and I was doing a lot of research, and he believes, Yeah, I've been following him forever and he believes life is divided up into thirds, right? Of kind of like the very beginning. You're underpaid, the middle, you're overpaid, and toward the end, you're giving back, and I feel like I'm at the end part. Hopefully I can extend that, for a couple more rounds but yeah.

Jamie (00:04:30) - So, you kind of mentioned your mastermind. I do want to go down to that a little bit, because I listened to it a little bit in your podcast, you kind of talk about it, and I'm kind of curious how that works. Who's included and, how often you mean just kind of give us some of the, the basic details in the mastermind, because this sounds fascinating to me.

Jason (00:04:45) - Yeah. Well, you know, I it goes back to I always wanted to create something I wish I had and I honestly, I'm still looking for it for my personal business, right? Like a true mastermind because I'm always looking for a community of like-minded people with someone running it that the community is helping each other, not just a figurehead that is doing group coaching and answers everybody's question. That's not what I like. and I also wanted to create experiences a couple of times a year when we get together, like for example, every year we have what we call our digital agency experience, where we'll run out like 100,000-acre ranch in southeastern Colorado. They have 2000 bison, they have the great sand dunes, and we ride horses. We all stay there, and we are just it's an experience, right? And just putting connections with people, doing cool things, magic happens and so, I always wanted that, you know, I joined the I won't name the groups I've joined but it was just like, boring, like in a boardroom or, you know, just in a hotel room.

Jason (00:06:04) - And I just wanted to shoot myself. I couldn't get out of there fast and, and so, we get together every couple, you know, months live, and then, about three times a month, we get together virtually and we have, you know, we talk about things that they're struggling with, whether, like, I believe a framework to grow an agency is around attract, convert and scale. So, then you can get to a point where you can sell. So, we have different sessions for each of those which are topics and themes, and then we have hot seats where members can ask the group what challenges or slack channels. Like, I really just wanted to create a community like our whole goal, like our goal has never been around revenue but it's amazing. Like when you do that, your revenue just keeps growing.

Jody (00:06:54) - Right, right. It's nuts.

Jason (00:06:56) - Right? But our goal is to double at least half of our mastermind members' EBITDA while reducing the amount of work that they do in the agency by 25%.

Jason (00:07:08) - Like that's how we measure our success and so, we always make decisions based on that.

Jamie (00:07:16) - So, give me I'm curious. It sounds awesome and I'm sure some of our listeners are like, yes, sign me up but I'm curious, like, how many masterminds are you running at any one time? How many people are in those masterminds and what size groups are we really talking about here?

Jason (00:07:29) - Yeah, so we're less than 100 members and we'll always keep it under 100 members. I was the funny story. Like I told you, I was always looking for a mastermind, and I interviewed someone, and someone told me to check out this one mastermind, named after a famous city in New York and me so, I checked it out, and, and I applied. Right? And so, they go, we have a two-year waiting list, and 11,000 people apply every year. I'm like, geez and so, I go to Derby, on my team, I go, I guarantee I get an email in four hours, like, right.

Jason (00:08:08) - I haven't gotten an email in four hours. I get it in five.

Jody (00:08:11) - Yeah.

Jason (00:08:11) - I get it. I get it in five hours. So, immediately and it's like, hey, book a time. We have an open slot. Like, yeah, okay. I was like, I'll go down the rabbit hole, guys. All right and so, his calendar's wide open.

Jody (00:08:26) - Oh, geez.

Jason (00:08:28) - So, I book a time and I broke my rule, so, I never book any meetings. I never work on Fridays. I always use it for epic Fridays where I climb a mountain, go fly somewhere, do something fun but I'm like my friend that I always do epic Fridays with was, dealing with some personal issues. I was like, well, I'll book it first thing in the morning before I fly and so, he doesn't show.

Jody (00:08:56) - What?

Jason (00:08:56) - Really? Wow. This is crazy. So, about a half hour later, he hits me up and he, he's like, oh, man, I'm sorry I got the time zone wrong.

Jason (00:09:06) - I'm like, God, you're a moron. But let me let me hear what they're going to say. So, I was like, you know, I'm driving on the way to the airport and, and so, I get on a call, he goes, oh, I'm gonna record this call for 30 minutes because both founders watch all of them, and we're the most exclusive community in the world. Okay. And he goes, And I asked him, how many members do you have? They have? And they go, oh, I'm going to do the math backwards. I can't remember what they said, but it was basically they started two years ago but I did the math, and it was like letting three members in every day for two.I think it was like 900 members and I'm like, when did you start? And he's like two years ago. So, I go, is the waiting list kind of bullshit? And they go, he goes, no, we're close.

Jason (00:10:03) - And then I'm like doing the math in my head. I'm like, so, you let three people. I was like, hey, this guy's this is not for me. Like, you can take me off the list and so, like, there's so much bullshit out there, I wanted to get rid of all of that and just put the best people in, like. And if people don't show up and this is what I wish all communities would do. Like two weeks ago, I reached out to two members, and I said, hey, you're not living up to your commitment to yourself of what you promised or the mastermind. Do you want us to cancel your membership? And oh yeah, I get it. I'll show up. I need to get back. Yeah, right. Like I wish people would do that rather than just care about how many people they are selling? Yeah.

Jody (00:10:49) - I think they're afraid. Right? They're afraid that they're going to lose clients or lose people, but I think in reality they gain people because those people do come back.

Jody (00:10:58) - They do get engaged, and then they show that everyone else, hey, this is truly a group that wants to be around each other.

Jason (00:11:04) - And all the agencies listening. You should think about that with your clients, right? Like the clients that are not getting you the information you need for you to be successful. They're not living up to their commitment that they promised you, right? I remember when I would work with agency clients, they'd be like, I'm goona be your best client. I'm gonna get you everything you need. I'm like, oh, yeah, they all say that. Like, that never happens and then sometimes I will tell agencies I work with that like I'm a vendor of theirs or a client of theirs and their vendor, and I'll be like, I'm gonna be your best client, and I am, because I remember that, like, I always get them like, stuff before ahead of time. They're like, damn, that was quick because I was like, I went through all this shit.

Jason (00:11:49) - Yeah.

Jody (00:11:51) - Right.

Jason (00:11:51) - Like, get rid of those bad clients and, and like be willing to do that in the short term it sucks and when you lose clients too. You know I remember when we started the mastermind, and I would lose some members. I literally would be like, like, and you would lose a member after like 2 or 3 years of them being in, you'd be like, why don't they love me anymore? Why don't they like us anymore? And then I'd feel bad, but then I'm like, wait, they graduated, right? They're getting ready to sell or when they come back like, that really helped me. I was like, they'll come back. Like they'll see what else is out there. They'll come back and I think if you do the right thing with your clients, people will come back because they will realize, man, they had it really good. They're just they they're going after the bigger and better deal and then they're like, you worth a better bigger deal.

Jody (00:12:46) - I think it's also how you, how they leave and how you leave with them, you know, meaning that if you burn the bridge then you burnt the bridge but if you kind of leave it open as if it was a graduation, it was more of a celebration than anything. I think then you're right that if they do, if they do go out and test the waters, they're going to find out that, you know, hey, the waters aren't any different. You know, there's no secret sauce somewhere else.


Jason (00:13:10) - And then you also, too, as you're building your business, you're building your agency, you're going to realize that there's some prospects that are just not right. You like, but you have to go through that Vegas buffet and get sick and food poisoning because you overate and you ate a lot of the bad shit and you're like, all right, I'm not going to eat those raw crab legs you know, this is.

Jody (00:13:34) - From experience now.

Jason (00:13:36) - Yeah. For now, I only get food poisoning if I eat at Applebee's, like me.

Jason (00:13:41) - There. Hopefully they're not a sponsor of the podcast.

Jamie (00:13:45) - No they're not. Is that one of your adventures? Fridays is eating at a Vegas buffet?

Jason (00:13:49) - Well, so, in the next couple of weeks, I'm going to fly to Vegas to go see a friend, and we'll probably hit one of the buffets. Back for a while.

Jamie (00:13:58) - I wish you luck with that. So, I love talking.

Jamie (00:14:03) -  About the mastermind stuff, but I do want to pivot a little bit here because, you know, obviously we work with a lot of agencies and we talk to a lot of agencies, and especially this past month, I think Jody and I have been to at least a couple of events, and we're hearing that things are starting to turn around a little bit. At least a lot of agencies are hoping so and so, you mentioned your attack convert sale on methodology. So, if I didn't ask you about that, I think a lot of people would be kicking me. So, I want you to go into a little bit of that with the with the market turning around, how can the listeners really capitalize off that?

Jason (00:14:32) - Well, it's all about starting out with the right foundation at first.

Jason (00:14:38) - Right? Think about how I started my agency. I was an accidental agency owner, had no clue what I was going to do, and I was going after anybody and everybody and really, in order to attract your perfect clients, you have to know who they actually are and get really laser specific because then when you know who they are, then you can actually figure out going, well, where do I need to fish? Like I went fishing, took my son wanted to go fishing. He's 17. He's about to turn 18. So, I have very limited time with him. He goes, hey dad, I want to go fishing and I'm like, I'll cancel all my meetings. So, we went fishing. We didn't catch anything that day but when we were coming back to the dock. This huge truck came back to the dock and unloaded like 20,000 fish.

Jason (00:15:28) - Right? I literally got in the water.

Jamie (00:15:30) - Stocking, stocking water. 

Jason (00:15:33) - I was grabbing it I was like this is awesome and I put it back.

Jason (00:15:36) - And then so, I told Luke, like, on Sunday, I was like, we got to try it again. So, we go, and we're fishing and go, hey, when you're casting because there's a bunch of trees in this lake, like underwater because they filled it up. Yep. And I go, hey, there's a tree over there. Make sure you don't cast it because everyone loves to catch trees. And I'm looking. I'm like, that's not a tree. That's like a fish.

Jamie (00:16:01) - Yeah, dude.

Jason (00:16:02) - 20 minutes. We caught 18 fish like we oh wow.

Jamie (00:16:06) - Oh no.

Jason (00:16:08) - And so, the point being, I knew the fish were out there. I knew what type of fish. I just needed to find them and then once I found them, dude, I had the right bait. Just cast it in there. So, all this kind of bring this story back.

Jason (00:16:26) - Of if you know specifically who you can actually help and here's a good thing to think about who are the clients and what would you do for these type of clients if you were only paid after you performed amazing service and you were paid on performance, and so, you got to go through kind of the shit in the very beginning.

Jason (00:16:47) - But once you can figure that out, then that can separate you. Like that's why I go after agency owners. That's all I know. I can't go after CPAs. I mean, they're in the service-based world, but I don't know, like, I got an A because I sat by a smart kid in college, but that was the only one I ever got.

Jason (00:17:06) - But like. That's, like, I can't use that to go after CPAs, but like, with agency, I can relate to them. I can help them out, like, you know, like, if they do, actually what kind of we tell them they'll do successfully? So, that's kind of the tracked right? Knowing and getting that clarity of what who you want to go after and what you want to do and then you got to kind of figure out, you know, kind of three channels, like when you talk to agencies or, you know, they probably have their business will get to a certain level based on referrals, and they'll be like.

Jason (00:17:44) - I don't know why I'm not growing well. I mean, your business is based on referrals, and you're only going to keep getting the same type of client, or worse, because none of your clients are hanging out with the big boys to make you go up a level. So, I always believe you need three channels and an inbound channel. So, create a podcast. Right? Great. Put great content out. You'll attract people. Outbound channel. Invite people on your podcast. Ooh imagine that and then have a relationship with them and then a strategic partnership, you know, with key people that go after similar. So, we did this with like Microsoft when they were coming up. We did this with any number other different, you know, technology companies. I mean, that's how we got LegalZoom, that's how we got Hitachi. Right? And you create those systems and then, you know, on the convert, there's a number of different systems in there. Like, you got to figure out what's the right offering in the right order.

Jason (00:18:41) - Right. Don't pitch marriage right off the bat, dummy, like any, significant other is like, that's nice and that would be good for you for the rest of your life is never going to say yes if you pitch marriage on the first date. Like how can you stagger that and create like a simple trial project that they pay you for that leads to something else, you know, how do you get out of sales as an agency owner, and you have a salesperson? And then, you know, the last part, you know, scaling is really looking at, you know, like we're not like we bought ten agencies in the past couple of years and, you know, we'll look at I'll look at a business being like, where are you generating leads? How can I amplify your inbound channel, your outbound channel. How can I raise your pricing? How can I maximize your profitability? Like that's when you start looking at scaling of like, do I have the right people? And then kind of go, I'll shut up, ask questions. Sorry.

Jamie (00:19:48) - No, I mean, you make it sound so easy. I love it, I mean, it sounds like it sounds easy in theory, but I think a lot of what you're talking about kind of reminds me of, of the interviewing process. Right? Like a lot of people I talked to, like, okay, I'm interviewing for my next job and like they say, what advice should I have going into it? And I was like, the best thing you can do is know yourself and I think that's what I tell agencies all the time, too, is like, you have to know who you are and what you're selling and what you're really good at, and then that's what you're looking for, is you're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you, because you want to make sure that, okay, is this the right fit and I think that's really important and I think you need to know that before the process even starts. I think that's a lot about you talked about there.

Jason (00:20:26) - Yeah. And I'm hiring and I think know yourself, but also do research on the client or if you're interviewing for a job like know the like. I literally was interviewing a marketing person last week. I go and I always put mousetraps out there. Here's something for all the agencies to do as well. So, like if I post a job on deed or LinkedIn, what do people do? Apply like back for that for right like complete fucking morons. I can't stand those people and so, I put it at the very bottom of the job description. Do not apply here. You must email me. Put in the subject line. I actually read all the instructions and sent me a video under four minutes of why.

Jason (00:21:11) - So, if I get oh, I'm applying because you told me to email, but you don't send a video, you're disqualified or if you do, over four minutes, you don't pay attention, right? So out of like 500 applicants, I'll get like four.

Jody (00:21:28) - Okay. That sounds good.

Jason (00:21:29) - Some people are. That's what I was wondering. What's the.

Jamie (00:21:31) - That's what I was wondering. What's the percentage. That's terrible.

Jason (00:21:32) - So, I'm interviewing this person.

Jason (00:21:35) - I'm excited that they actually followed instructions, right? I go tell me man like you're a very small percentage of someone that actually paid attention. So, I'm excited to chat with you. Tell me what made you put the time and effort to do this? Can you tell me what job I applied for? I go, oh my God.

Jamie (00:21:53) - Oh geez.

Jason (00:21:56) - I go, let's just end this call right now.

Jason (00:22:00) - That's how I do your research.

Jody (00:22:05) - Oh, brutal. Brutal. We did basically the exact same thing. We had so many when we went remote. Jeez, ten, ten years plus ago same thing. We got 2000 resumes and easily within a year, just we had 1500 resumes the first week, we actually went remote, and we had the same, same issue. How do you disqualify people? How do you how do you make sure you got the right people that are truly interested, not just, you know, applying, you know, randomly like that.

Jody (00:22:30) - And so, we had the same thing. Here's the video. Ours was just a two-minute video and you it was amazing. All the people that didn't do it and it was like, well.

Jason (00:22:41) - Yeah, it's just literally thanked you for saving yourself.

Jamie (00:22:44) - Yeah, that's exactly.

Jody (00:22:46) - Right.

Jamie (00:22:47) - So, how many agencies do you think are doing something similar to that when they're going out and trying to get on jobs that they're not like properly researching the company and not knowing that they're the right fit and knowing exactly what the company is looking for.

Jason (00:22:59) - Oh, probably tons. I mean, I know I was guilty of it. I mean, I remember I had a call many years ago from this company. I had just crushed it on this call, and they invited me to pitch them at their office. This is when I lived in Atlanta and there's tons of big companies in Atlanta. You'll laugh when you hear the name of the company you have never heard of before. Went into the boardroom.

Jason (00:23:24) - All these suits come in. I'm like, damn, man, a big office. A lot of people pitch.

Jason (00:23:29) - Him like a $10,000 website. This is like in 2002 or 3 or I can't remember and they, like, laugh and I'm like, what the hell? Like, I, I charged too much and didn't win the deal. Go back to the office. My business partner at the time was like, what happened? I was like, they kind of laughed at me when I told him the price and like, who was the company? I'm like, I don't know, it's like Brookshire or something.

Jason (00:23:57) - He's like, it's like Berkshire Hathaway. I was like, yeah, that's it. That sounds right.

Jason (00:23:59) - And they were expecting, like a $300,000 website.

Jody (00:24:05) - Yeah. 

Jason (00:24:06) - So, yes. There are tons of idiots like me that don't do research.

Jody (00:24:10) - Well, it's kind of funny you mentioned that because when we, oh, this is probably about the same time, actually, about ten years ago, one of our clients, that's when I actually did some consulting work with them.

Jody (00:24:19) - They, they called me up and said, hey, I got this great project, you know, what do you think I should price them? It's like, you know, it's like, well, give me some more information and they're giving me more information. I'm like, well, why don't you just ask them what their budget is and find out if you're even in the right ballpark? And he goes like, oh, they'll never tell me their budget. I'm like, why wouldn't they tell you your budget? Just ask them. The worst thing that could say is that, no, I'm not going to tell you, but let's just ask them and find out and so, he's like, okay. He goes, you know, and he's like, he was planning on, you know, putting a website together. It's like $400,000, something like that and, and then, I'm at a conference speaking, and my phone is light lighting up. It's like he's like, calling me and calling me, and I can't take it because I'm actually speaking at this conference, but.

Jody (00:25:04) - And it's so distracting and so, afterwards I pop right over and like, oh, no, I, I, I screwed something up, you know, something I did, and he's going to fire me. Something's going to happen here and he's like, he's like, so, I finally got a hold of him. He goes, Jody. He goes, God, I love you, man. I go, y and I go, I asked them and what did they say? And he goes, oh, we're looking at about 1.5 million. I'm like, so what did you quote him? I got 1.5 million and it's.

Jody (00:25:28) - Like.

Jody (00:25:29) - He's like, we got it and it's and it was like, oh my gosh. You know.

Jason (00:25:32) - They would have lost it.

Jason (00:25:33) - Too if they. Yeah. So, do you want to know how to get like I have this thing that I call my budget buster method.

Jody (00:25:43) - Let's hear it.

Jason (00:25:43) - And it's because when I'm speaking on stages, I'll ask agencies.

Jason (00:25:48) - How many of you asked for a budget within the first ten minutes? Quarter of the room. The other people ask like a year later, right? and then the other half never ask. So, I'm like, all right, for the ones that actually ask how many people actually get the budget? About maybe a quarter. Right. Because what do the clients say? I don't have a budget, or you tell me and so, there's two ways to do it and it has to fit your personality on the first one. So, like Jody, if I go, what's your budget and you go, I don't have a budget, I'm going to be like, cool, Jody, I love working with companies that don't have a budget, so we don't have to worry about money, and we can test all kinds of amazing things out there. Going to get the same reaction that you guys just did. You're laughing and then I'll be like, oh, so, you do have a budget and because they all have a number in mind.

Jason (00:26:41) - The issue is a lot of agencies when they say arranged, I just need to know arrange and you go $100, $1,000, you know, $1 million whatever it is.

Jody (00:26:52) - Right.

Jason (00:26:52) - We’re programmed to remember the first thing. So, you remember you're anchored $100, right? So, I do this as a reverse auctioneer. So, I'm like, so you do have a budget. I just need to know some kind of range to see if I can actually help you out or what I can actually help you out with. Is your budget $1 billion, $1 million, 100,000, 200,000, whatever it is, I anchored a billion or something really, really stupid. And then I come down and then I'm able to find that range, and then they'll be like, oh, 1.5. Cool. We can definitely work with that. Like, you don't go make sure you don't go.

Jason (00:27:28) - Like, oh yeah. Right. Yes. Like you just got to act.

Jason (00:27:35) - Cool, man. Like, all right, cool I can. Yeah, I think we can do something like that.

Jason (00:27:41) - We'll see. It might need a little bit more. It always works 99% of the time it works.

Jamie (00:27:49) - Yeah.

Jamie (00:27:50) - And I think that the thing is, is like, money is such a sensitive thing and people are so, like, it's almost taboo. People are weird talking about it but when you're coming into a sales process, if you don't know what someone's willing to spend, like, how can you make any sales to them? How can you promise them anything? How can you say this is what you're going to get without completely understanding what they're looking for or not walking into that situation like you did where you're offering a multi-billion-dollar company, hey, we can do your website for $10,000. It's like, how do you do that without actually knowing it?

Jason (00:28:17) - Yeah.

Jody (00:28:19) - Well, you're really doing an injustice to them anyways, right? Because you know, if, if, if they, if, if they can only spend 10,000 and you can't get it for 10,000, then you're really wasting your time, wasting their time even in the process alone.

Jody (00:28:31) - So, it's kind of like the reverse order to disqualify someone early is just as important as finding out, you know, if you can work within their budget.

Jason (00:28:40) - Yeah. I mean, and ask within the first 15 minutes, like in the first 15 minutes, I go through that need budget, authority and timing. So, what do you need? What's your budget? Are you the authority and what's your timing. So, I did a video many years ago, it was like Darth Vader, and he like it was a mock, you know, sales call. I was trying to, you know, Darth Vader wanted a website, and I was like, well, like, when do you want it? And he was like, yesterday, I want to do the Death Star and I'm like, wow, that's not going to work out. Like, that's just bad timing. I can't help you out, Darth Vader. Go, go, go find someone else.

Jamie (00:29:17) - So, I have to find those videos, that video out there on YouTube somewhere.

Jason (00:29:22) - It is? Yeah. I'll see if I can send it to you.

Jamie (00:29:24) - Yeah. Have you sent you that? It's definitely like one of the first videos.

Jamie (00:29:29) - I love it when agencies do stuff like that. I was watching one the other day where they had like a horror movie and they called it The Client, and they're going through all these things they're talking about. They didn't clarify expectations, and it was just hilarious. Like it was like a preview. So, I love it when agencies do stuff like that. Cool. So, I think we're kind of we've hit on a lot of topics here. We didn't, we didn't prepare you for this ahead of time, Jason, but hopefully you're ready for this. I think you will be but one of the things we like to do at the end of each episode is ask a personal question. So, something that's a little more fun, a little off topic, and just helps our listeners know you a little better. So, obviously, you've already kind of talked about your Extreme Fridays.

Jamie (00:30:08) - I'm forgetting the actual term you use, but the Fridays and Epic Fridays, I think. Yeah, and it was an E word, Epic Fridays and so, this is this is going to be fun for this group, because I know Jody's always said, like, I'll do anything. I'll try anything once, too. So, I know this is a good question for both of you guys, so this is probably going to be tough for you, Jason. So, I'll let you start. What is the most epic thing you've done? And what was your favorite Epic Friday?

Jason (00:30:29) - The best. Epic Friday is always the next one.

Jamie (00:30:33) - Tom Brady style.

Jason (00:30:36) - You know, I.

Jason (00:30:36) -  Mean, we we've done all kinds of things from, you know, doing the Alvarado, you know, like the, the things that are in the mountains in Telluride and you kind of you're scaling 1000ft (about 304.8 m) up and you're going across or climbed, you know, the biggest mountains, not Mount Everest. I don't think I would do that just because of the traffic.

Jason (00:30:56) - I jumped out of planes. I blacked out on the plane. Oh, wow. Jumping out. just. I was with someone, and I just. He was like. Well, like, I could talk to him. My vision just went out.

Jody (00:31:09) - Oh, geez. 

Jason (00:31:11) - Maybe the straps are too tight. I'll loosen them up. I'm like, nah, I'm good. Like, just tell me when to lift my leg.

Jason (00:31:16) - So, yeah, the best Friday that the best epic Friday is always the next one.

Jamie (00:31:21) - Awesome. So, I have to throw this out there. I'm not sure. So, if you ever not sure you're familiar with the JJ Redick podcast, but if you aren't, you should listen to Google. JJ Redick interviews Kyle Korver because Kyle Korver does something like this once a year where he does something that's super challenging and something that he doesn't think he can succeed at and then succeeds at it and so, if you want to Google JJ Redick interviewing Kyle Korver, it's like the coolest 20 minute interview you'll ever hear of him talking about like one of these epic things he does and the details of it exactly what you said.

Jamie (00:31:47) - It's like it's just the challenge of it and the fun of it and all that. So, yeah, I definitely appreciate you talking about that a little bit. So, Jody, to you now, what's the what's the most epic thing you've done or something that that really has been a fun experience for you.

Jody (00:32:00) - Probably the funniest experience was hanging gliding or not paragliding. We are paragliding off the mountain and Jackson Hole on one of our team retreats and it was, it was something that I thought, wow, this is kind of going to be kind of cool. I'll probably die tomorrow, and, and it, it actually ended up being one of the coolest things and the bad thing was we waited until the very last day of the retreat to do it. I wish I'd have done it day one, because I would have done it day two, day three, day four, and day five. It was it was that that was that cool and that fun you know, I didn't black out, thank God.

Jody (00:32:37) - But, man, when they say that, you know, you're jumping off a mountain and you're looking down, they say, yeah, we're going to land on that dot. And I'm like, yeah, whatever and then they land exactly on that dot. It's like, geez, how the heck they do that? And yeah, and you know, it was just a fun experience. Pretty exhilarating. It was one of those things that, you know, your anxiety gets to, you know, as you get on and a lot of times your anxiety gets there, then you do and you're like, oh, that was no big deal. Well, the anxiety gets there, and it was like, wow, this is a thrill all the way down. which was great. You know, we did hot air ballooning and anxiety. Same thing. Anxiety like crazy. Then you got on like, okay, well, this isn't what I thought it was going to be, you know, and you know, you know, paragliding was definitely, definitely worth it for, for sure.

Jody (00:33:20) - Next thing you know that airplane.

Jason (00:33:22) - Hang gliding is even more fun.

Jody (00:33:25) - You’ve done hang gliding already? Tell me about it. Tell me about the hang gliding. I mean.

Jason (00:33:30) - It's we did it in Costa Rica. I want, I want to do it on my property here just to really piss off my neighbors. because we got the elevation to do it. Oh, I am about. I haven't done a podcast episode in a while. Like, my neighbors always drove me crazy, and, and so, I created a website called

Jason (00:33:54) - And I created.

Jason (00:33:54) - A podcast and like, it's iron and myself just talking about what my neighbors are trying to go after me for, and I'd love to do, like hang gliding over their house every time on the plane. I just like, buzz their house.

Jamie (00:34:08) - Gun was the tower.

Jamie (00:34:15) - Awesome. So, I'm going to talk about mine really quick and mine actually doesn't sound that extreme, but it was definitely an experience, and it actually goes all the way back to college.

Jamie (00:34:21) - So, I live in Colorado, so, I've done several things. I've had a lot of different adventures, but the one I always go back to is in college. I took a winter backpacking class, so, basically we took we snowshoes up for about 6 or 7 miles and then slept without tents in the snow overnight and like I think it was -20 degrees in Estes Park when we did it and it was one of those things where it's, it's an it's a slow burn, right? It's not like hang gliding or, you know, skydiving or something like that where it's boom and it's done. This is like one of those things where you're in, man, you're in, you're going to be doing two nights and never going to be able to warm up and it was just one of those things you complain about the entire time you're there, but it's about the people and the connections you're having and the conversations are happening. Then when you're done, you're like, that's the best thing I've ever done.

Jamie (00:35:01) - I can't wait to do it again and so that was a that's definitely mine. Just because, like I said, it's more of a slow burn but I really, really enjoyed it and made great friends with those people. Now actually my wife was on that trip and so obviously we connected over that as well but it was one of those things where it was just such a fun experience to be out in nature for, with and just the cold and boiling your boiling your water to cook boiling snow, you know, doing that type of stuff. So, that was definitely, definitely mine.

Jason (00:35:27) - That's awesome. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, that definitely the slow cold when you're camping that is definitely miserable but it is remarkable.

Jamie (00:35:38) - It was definitely memorable. Yeah. Yeah.

Jamie (00:35:41) - Awesome. So, definitely appreciate you joining us, Jason. So, I know we talked about a lot of things and a lot of things you're doing out there. So, if our listeners obviously can find your podcast but how else can they how else can they find you out there.

Jason (00:35:51) - Yeah. Just go to You know, everything's there, you know, all our podcast episodes, you know, all 700 or some un changer are there, and we have tons of free content. Yeah and just go check out all the free resources that we have and if you don't actually, if you want to learn more about the attract or the, the convert, like, if you want to build the ultimate sales team, that you're not doing it or attract the perfect client, just get an or or /convert and there's two free masterclasses that you get four videos each so total eight totally free and it'll help you out.

Jody (00:36:41) - Yeah. Sounds great appreciate that.

Jamie (00:36:43) - Yeah. No, I think you're the one guest. Just like if our listeners find you and are following you, like, their life is going to change and I'm. I'm definitely going to, like, get your subscription to all of our CFOs and make sure they're following your podcasts and listening to you, because I definitely think you're the type of person that just listening to you talk and listening to all your experiences is going to help anyone that's helping out in the agency world.

Jamie (00:37:02) - So, definitely appreciate all you brought to the just not only today, but, you know, over the last ten years because I think it's, it's an invaluable so.

Jason (00:37:10) - Well, thank you for saying that. That's why we do it. So, it's, Yeah, it's very humbling. So, thank you for saying that.

Jamie (00:37:21) - Yeah. I greatly appreciate it. I appreciate you coming on.

Outro (00:37:24) - Enjoy this podcast. Visit our website Summit Connect to get more tips and strategies for achieving business success. We're here to be a resource in this ever-changing industry.